Andrew Maze - Too Late (Fletric Remix) Chris Nemmo - Nightshade (Fletric Remix) Fletric - Beyond Ideas Fletric - Bioskanner Fletric - Control Fletric - DMT Fletric - Eternium Fletric - Everything That Dies Fletric - Find the Light Fletric - Into Sunrise Fletric - Leveler Fletric - Microgravity Fletric - Mystic Land Fletric - Planetary Impulses Fletric - Plasma Funk Fletric - Plug Me Fletric - Quantum Forest Fletric - The World Fletric - Traveler Fletric - Unbroken Wing Fletric - Winter Love Freak Da Bass - Meltdown (Fletric Remix) Halobeatz - A Journey (Fletric Remix) Parallax Breakz - Hope (Fletric Remix) Youthful Implants - Jah (Fletric Remix)